I have begun a love affair with vegetables (& fruits, but I already loved those, so it goes without saying). For the past 11 days, I have eaten &/or drunk the juice of solely vegetables and fruits. That's it. No bread, no nuts, no beans, no dessert, no meat -- just the stuff that grows out of the ground. Why, might you ask, have I subjected my body to such treatment, my taste buds to such deprivation? All in the name of health. I saw a documentary (go figure) made by this guy, Joe Cross, who fasted for 60 days, ingesting nothing but the fresh juice of plants. The health benefits he experienced were so pronounced, that I was inspired, both to do it myself (on a much smaller scale; I'm going 15 days), and to learn more about the effects that the various foods we eat have on our bodies. To learn more, go to
www.fatsickandnearlydead.com, or go straight to the site about doing a fast yourself at
www.jointhereboot.com. And perhaps you, too, will begin a new love affair. With food, and with yourself. Peace. :)