Sunday, October 30, 2011

A poem: Women

night blossoms
opening, watching, waiting
gathered as humanity's hope

Arist: Joyce Polance
Title: Spill

I wrote this cinquain poem on the last day of a retreat I took to Spirit Mountain Retreat in Idyllwild, CA. The retreat focused on themes of autumn, earth connection and sacred cosmology. For me, the weekend was about being immersed in womanhood, watching, listening, learning and contributing, so that I can more fully embrace my Self and my Life as a woman in this world.  There were many gifts and lessons learned - far too many to name here - all which I will carry forward with me into this season  of the year and of my life.

As for this art piece, I just thought it depicted really well the concept of female conspiracy that I tried to capture in my poem. I like that it's risky. I think that being a woman sometimes (ok - usually) is.  Womanhood, for me, lived out in fullness, is a kind of conspiracy that we maintain and to which we contribute, silently sometimes, and fiercely other times. We are the bearers of hope. The universe's secret weapon for planet Earth.

(C) 2011 Kristin Firestone

Friday, October 14, 2011

A poem: Mutually Encouraged

We are inspired
We see our God
in one another
We have been called
each sister and brother
to share our lives
and give to the other
the gift of ourselves
no matter how raw,
unfinished, unwhole
to make perfect the plan
that God has begun
So let your light shine
and let your heart speak
Don't be afraid to share what you think
'Cause just as you fear and doubt and deny
the other is waiting to come look inside
to find all the answers they're seeking in vain
for which they need you to get through the pain
So stand up and witness
Break loose and run free
for here in this place
there's hope, can't you see?
As each of us shares in communion of love
we become one Body
one Lord from above
We speak and we share
We hold and endure
And in our great triumph
God's presence is known
For where two or three
come close in His name
we all are transformed,
made whole; we all gain
The power of love can conquer all fear
when we're willing to listen, come close
and draw near
So don't be afraid, and don't run away
This power of peace is with us to stay.

(C) 2011 Kristin Firestone

"...that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith..." Romans 1:12

I met India.Arie.

Um, I totally just met India.Arie tonight.


Yeah. I know. :-D :-)  :)

I shook her hand, introduced myself, looked her in the eyes and said "Thank you. For everything." My only wish was to be as sincere as possible. She signed my program cover. I said, "I'm so grateful. Thank you."

I think she got it. :)

What I didn't tell her was that one day soon we'll be singing together on stage. I also didn't mention that I don't know where I'd be, or how I'd've made it through some of the challenges of these last 10 years without her and her expression through her music. What she doesn't know is that she's the ONLY person, place or thing of which I truly consider myself a "fan." And she may never hear all about the many ways in which she has inspired my own music, spirituality, art, ministry, womanhood, relationship with God and life.

But I hope she does. Tonight I could only dream of actually getting to meet her face-to-face and share a moment. Now, I'm on the other side of that. Who knows what the future holds?

Thank you, India. For everything.  And thank you, God, for India.

Here's a blog entry I wrote back in January of 2007. I went on a rant about India. Check it out.

This blog's topic is

(2) I love India.Arie.
I know when we're little we're taught to be conservative with the use of the words 'love' and 'hate.'  But I thought about it this morning as I climbed out of bed after listening to a couple of tunes from her newest album (on my Ipod - thanks, Santa!:) that I'm not being dramatic when I say that I love this woman.
Btw, I just discovered that she was born 10/3/75, which gives her a 3 & 1/2 headstart on my life. This is good, 'cause it means I have some time to catch up to her greatness (MAYbe).
I just admire her so much. Her voice, her soul, her expression. She puts into words and music some very real, very deep realities and realizations.
If you are not aware of India.Arie, GET THERE!
This was a short one. I'm starting to get restless to get dressed and started on my day.
I may have a bit more in me, but I'll end this with a quote from one of India's songs that has inspired me to get out of bed today:
It's from the last verse of her song "I Am Not My Hair" where she's singing about Melissa Ethridge (that's my best guess, anyway):
"...she promised God if she was to survive, she would enjoy every day of her life."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Inspirational Prayers

Just sharing. :-)

A Prayer for Dreamers and Artists
by Vienna Cobb Anderson

We pray for the dreamers of this life, O God,
for those persons who imagine new possibilities,
who long for what others cannot perceive,
who spin dreams of wonder and majesty in their minds.
Defend them from ridicule and harsh criticism,
from self-doubt and lack of faith in their dreams,
and from abandonment of this call to make things new.
Grant that from their dreams
may come forth blessings for humankind
to enrich the quality of life
and the wonderment of us all.

A Prayer for Openness
by Joyce Rupp

Spirit of freedom,
open my mind and my heart.
Lift the barriers, 
unbind the strong grasp of my demands
when I want everything to go my way.

God of spaciousness,
reach into my inner space,
sweep out all the old clutter,
enlarge my capacity to receive.

Bringer of truth,
empty me of whatever impedes
the growth of our relationship.
Help me recognize and accept 
your sources for my growth.

Creator of the seasons of life,
soften my resistance to emptying.
May I welcome each inner season 
as a catalyst for my transformation.

Faithful Friend,
deepen my trust in you.
Ease my doubts, fears, and discouragements.
When I am feeling vulnerable,
remind me that you are my safe haven.

Holy Whisper,
open the ears of my heart.
May I hear your voice within the silence
as well as within the noise of my life.
Re-awaken me 
so that I can listen to you wholeheartedly.

Bringer of Good and Giver of Growth,
we yearn to be open and receptive
to your generosity.                                                                  May we trust your presence amidst the cycle 

of emptying and filling.