While sitting down to my burrito bowl (+ guacamole, and no, I don't mind the $2 extra for that spoonful of green goodness!), I took out my iPhone, laid it down on the table just to my right, and checked in on the WordFeud game I'm playing with my dad. After making my move with a measly 12-point word, I realized I had been staring down at my screen for quite a while. When I looked up and around, nearly every customer in the dining room around me had their iPhone or other smart device on the table to their right. We were all having lunch with our iPhones.
What did I do before I had a cell phone when no one else was around? Certainly, I dined alone, and drove alone, and walked around alone... and I did ok. I watched people, I'm sure. Looked out the window contemplating things, and people. It made me sad to remember those days before when I was forced to just 'be,' without any distractions or things to do for just. five. minutes. And now, here we are, staring down at the table. Alone. And in the lonely company of our phones. It actually made me smile, a little, when I noticed the company I was in - all those other people dining with a handheld device. It was cute, like a scene from an awkward middle school moment where everyone's uncomfortable, but we're all in it together. It revealed to me our true vulnerability. And I like how no one was pretending like they weren't totally eating with their cell phones. It's just a fact now. Just a common practice. It's so weird, though, and kind of endearing that we're so attached. Since when is it ok to be a grownup using a pacifier? Or carrying a favorite toy or blankie in public? Bitter sweet.
I'm watching a squirrel eat something outside my living room window right now. It's nice to look up every once in a while and notice things going on around me.
I'm going to watch Mad Men, though, 'cause I'm about a season-and-a-half away from being all caught up on this show. What I should really do is go take a walk and enjoy this glorious weather and beautiful day. But, I'm gonna finish typing this, and then check my Facebook for the 47th time today, and then zone out in the '60s with Don Draper and company.
Meanwhile, this squirrel is still eating. Chowing down on something yummy.
I think I'll go see what's he's up to.
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