One of the many gifts I have received from this education is a return to the poet's heart that lives inside of me. When I was very young, I wrote poetry and songs so easily. It seems that about 20 years ago, I tucked that part of me away. But, it was never really gone, and I'm happy to share that I've been writing again. This poem flowed from me early this morning, as I was preparing to begin this very special graduation day. I hope you enjoy it.
“Graduation Day”
Lovingly dedicated to the USM Class of 2010
I’m scared of what may happen – I’m scared of what may be
if I let go, surrender, and let it be. Just let it be.
The fear creeps up inside of me like spiders crawling slow
and when I feel this way I fear there’s nowhere else to go.
Should I just lie here, motionless and wait for it to pass?
Or should I get up, run around and use it as my gas?
Into the stillness here I go to recognize and claim
my power in this time and place to reveal all my shame
unto myself – for it is I whose tight grip holds me fast
and fears the feelings of regret will somehow always last.
But get up – still – I do and then the fear just melts away
as pen and paper meet and sooth my worries for this day.
And I forgive myself for judging fear as something more
than opportunity for healing knocking at my door.
I hold and rock and comfort her and tell her it’s ok
to feel the feelings deep inside and not wish them away.
For feelings can just indicate the presence of control –
of trying desperately to know the way it all will go.
How I am present to myself in these dark times of fear
can be the key to liberating all I hold so dear,
It’s giving up unto the One who knows that it is so,
and never, ever worries that my life will not just grow
into a masterpiece made up of choices I must make
to release, let go and trust that I have everything it takes.
And so with care and steps unsure I move forward today
and give my whole self over to the journey – come what may.
- Kristin Firestone, August 29, 2010