Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Death that Love Invites

On my walk/jog yesterday, I was alive. I was in tune with everything and everyone. I said "hi" to small animals, and children, and the grown-ups who walked them. I waved my arms in time with the beats of the music that moved my feet and soul. I was in rapture - at one with all of life, and knowing it. And I was loving it.

As I turned the corner to head home, this track started on my playlist: "Breeze" by Dubtribe Sound System (lyrics below). First off, it's amazing. Second, I felt totally pumped by it. Third, it's all about love. I thought about how complicated I've made life for myself with all my judgments and prejudices and 'for-ness' and 'against-ness.' I saw all the barriers I've put up to love melt away. I thought about how frustrating it would be for me if I was God to watch the people I love not feel my love through the simplicity of a cool breeze. Then, I started thinking of all the ways that God/Creation/Love can express itself to us (this is the 'sacramental theology' teacher in me coming out...) and how we can search and search for love in (pardon the cliche) all the wrong places... but, really, it's in a cool breeze, or a cool song that refreshes, restores and reenergizes.

If God is Love (1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.") then why do we hate, judge, fear, worry, hoard, condemn, doubt, exclude and cut-off in the name of God?

If God is Love, then God is the cool breeze, the soft touch, the warm embrace, the passionate kiss, the deeply thirst-quenching ice-cold beer, the hot and delicious sweet potato bisque soup I had for dinner...

These are things I already "know" (see faith of the mind), but yesterday, I understood faith of the heart, and body and soul and spirit and ears and eyes and all of it...

Oh! My title! Why did I chose "The Death that Love Invites" as the title of this blog? invites death. If I am going to live in love, I am going to have to let a part of me die that is no longer needed. It's like shedding skin. The more of me that dies, the more fuel for the fire of Love. That's actually a very terrible and entirely mediocre explanation for probably the most important concept in all of human life, but I'm gonna leave it at that 'cause my brain is rather mush right now.

BREEZE - Dubtribe Sound System

Love is like a cool breeze
Like a cool breeze

blowing through my mind
blowing through my life

Love goes running through my mind
Love lifts me up so high
I leave the world behind

I feel alive - I'm free

No more fear
No more hate
No more anger
No more jealousy
No more pain
No more selfishness
No more greed
No more loneliness
No more bitterness
No more prejudice

I give my life to the hands of Love.

Give your love away.
You've got to give your love away.
In a world of fear don't be afraid
to give your love away.

Let love take me higher
Let love take you higher

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