O God, make it so that what I desire
is only that which will lead me to you.
I want to worship you with all of my heart
and strength
and mind
and body
and soul.
I want to be yours forever. And if there's anything that stands in the way of that -
any thoughts, words, deeds or activities -
I surrender them all to you now, Love, lord of my life.
You are the One I seek.
You are the One I long for.
You are the only God for me - Love and Light,
sweetness and surrender, bliss and warmth
and destiny.
I am willing to wade through all of the rest
if only I can be assured of your great Love waiting for me there.
I seek you - I yearn for you with my entire being.
My whole Self declares today a day of the lord.
You have chosen me for your inheritance.
Out of the crowd you selected me to be one of your own -
to love and be loved freely and without reserve.
I long for this love and I am this love.
I am you, Love.
Your words are spirit and life in my blood.
your love is my sustenance.
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