Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Word from God

Back on March 11, I was praying. I was reminiscing about how God used to see me; how I used to feel God watching me. And I heard God say this:

"I'm still watching."

I remembered the words of Psalm 33.

Then, I picked up my pen and got down what God spoke to me next.

A Word from God:

"I see your innermost heart.
I know who you are deep down to the core.
I know what you want, but I also know what you need. I will lead you to where I know your heart will be satisfied - to where you will be fed by my body and blood - the very stuff of life.
You are priest, prophet and king. You are my beloved.
I will take care of you
even if you doubt I am there.
Even if you think you've lost your way.
I will deliver you - send you forth from this place where you are to the places you will go.
And I will make of you an example, and make of your life a covenant,
so that through you I will demonstrate my neverending love for my people, for the people who come to me and wait for me in hope.
Wait with me in hope. Wait and never be tired of waiting.
Everything you want and need in life, if it is true, will be done for you,
through me in time.
No need to rush, no need to hurry. Take it slow. I go with you, I am in you.
You want this all said and done so you can relax, but I'm telling you that my will and my way and my love is neverending.
It's a path that leads to eternal life.
So do unto others as you'd have done to you.
Love without cost or measure; forgive and reconcile.
Yours is the reconciliation of nations.
The seeing eye to eye and becoming one.
The perfect and imperfect, the lowly and the rich, the hungry and well fed.
Yours is the coming together of the realities of life.
Your life is to reconcile and make beautiful what seems different, but is really the same."

(C) 2012 Kristin Firestone

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